It is exciting to think that every Christian has a vocation (or ‘calling’) to become more of the person God wants them to be. That vocation will always include a call towards knowing and loving Christ more deeply, towards loving and serving other people, and caring for the world God has given to us to share.
For some, this call to love and serve may include playing a role in communicating the Christian faith or enabling others to deepen their faith through preaching and teaching, being alongside people who are struggling in everyday life, or being prepared to stand up for justice in the face of injustice and oppression.
For some the call may be to love and serve in their local context, perhaps taking on new roles in their local church. Others may be called into leadership roles wider afield.
These pages will provide you with the vital information you need to take the next step on your own personal vocation journey.
If you are exploring a call towards a public, licensed ministry of some kind, (which includes preaching, teaching, and leading) then the new Shared Vocation Space could be the right place for you.
It is worth noting that the feeling of apprehension that you may have a vocation to public ministry is best resolved in the company of others, some of whom will be your peer group and others who will be experienced in the ministry of discernment.
Following God’s calling
If you believe you are called to ministry, there are many ways to serve and paths to follow.
Ministry Experience Scheme
If you are aged 18-30 why not spend a year serving God through the Ministry Experience Scheme. It will enable you to give a year to God, and will provide time, space and support for you to reflect on the call of God in your life, and experience life rooted in a parish church.
Ordained Ministry
If you believe God may be calling you towards Ordained Ministry then the first step is to share your thoughts and feelings with people you know and trust. Can they see this vocation in you? You should also have a conversation with your parish priest.
Public Licensed Ministry
In this Diocese both lay and ordained ministry are valued equally and each has some qualities in common while maintaining some important differences.
Shared Vocation Space
Are you thinking about a vocation in ordained or lay ministry? The Shared Vocation Space brings together the resources to support those wanting to explore a calling towards lay or ordained public ministry in our diocese.