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Statutory Fees for a service in a crematorium or cemetery

Important information for PCCs in relation to the changes in statutory parochial fees which took effect from 1 January 2020.

In February 2019, the Parochial Fees order 2019 was passed by the General Synod by 165 votes to 80.

Under the order, with effect from 1 January 2020, the full statutory fee for a funeral service in a crematorium or cemetery is legally due to the Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance (NDBF). Previously, £30 of this fee was due to the Parochial Church Council in which the deceased had their usual place of residence. This change was bought to our attention when the fees table was issued in November 2019.

Taking consideration of the work undertaken by PCCs in administering parochial fees both locally and on behalf of the NDBF and sensitive to the potential loss of income for PCCs, the January 2020 meeting of the Bishop’s Council and the February meeting of the DBF Executive Committee have agreed that PCCs will continue to be entitled to receive £30 each time one of these services takes place.

As the parochial fee is legally due to the Diocesan Board of Finance, 100% of the fee should be passed to the NDBF. PCCs will be asked to complete a short form to claim each of the £30 entitlements and funds will be credited to the PCC’s Parish Share on a biannual basis (July and January). If a PCC has paid their share in full, then any surplus claim will be carried forward to the following Parish Share year.

The claim forms only require a small amount of detail to enable Diocesan Staff to reconcile the claim against funds received.

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