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Clergy Discipline Measure

The Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 (‘CDM’), together with the Clergy Discipline Rules 2005 (as amended), sets out the processes for dealing efficiently and fairly with formal complaints of serious misconduct against members of the clergy. It applies to all deacons, priests and bishops in the Church of England, even if they are not in active ministry.


Clergy Discipline Measure – Tribunal Decisions

The written determinations of disciplinary tribunals hearing complaints brought under the Clergy Discipline Measure, together with any decisions on penalty, can be viewed on the Church of England website here.

Publicising Penalties and Proceedings – October 2016

The Diocese of Norwich will adhere to the Church of England’s guidance for publicising notices of Penalties and Proceedings which can be downloaded here.

Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016

Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016

Diocese of Norwich: Clergy Discipline Notices

Notices relating to penalties given to clergy in the Diocese of Norwich, determined to require publication, will be made available below for a period of six months following determination.