Faculty applications and extensions

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To avoid the need for numerous identical faculty applications, David Etherington QC, the Chancellor of the Diocese, has granted an Additional Matters Order in respect of these plaques. This means that the installation of such plaques will not require a faculty, and can be authorised by an Archdeacon as a List B matter subject to certain conditions. The conditions are that the plaque should be attached to a churchyard wall; porch; internal or external noticeboard; or in a church hall or community space: provided that it is not attached to any historic (ie pre-1900) fabric. Plaques that do not meet these conditions will still require a faculty.

The Chancellor has also advised that it will no longer be possible to extend time limits (usually 12 months) for the completion of work under a faculty retrospectively after the time limit has expired. Any request for an extension needs to be submitted before the original time limit has expired.

For any query on these subjects, please email Nicholas Cannon, DAC Secretary or call 01603 882350.