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Deanery Synods

Each deanery has its own Deanery Synod which consists of lay members and clergy.

Lay members are elected at Annual Parochial Church Meetings (APCMs) and meet with the clergy of the deanery under the joint chairmanship of the Rural Dean and the Lay Chair.

Lay members are elected for three years and address issues of concern to the church and community at a local level.  Matters are sent to them from Diocesan and General Synods and resolutions passed by the Deanery Synod can be sent up for discussion at the higher levels.
Members are also the electors for the diocese and vote in the elections for Diocesan and General Synod membership.

Standing Orders

Deanery Synod operate to the Standing Orders that were last amended in 2019. A copy of the Standing Orders may be found below:

Deanery Synod Standing Orders 


The elections for the current lay representation took place in 2023 at the APCM’s and those elected took office on 1 July 2023 and will serve for three years until 30 June 2026.

APCM Forms

You may find the APCM forms page helpful when raising the appropriate paperwork following the Annual Parochial Church Meetings.

Should you need any further support please contact Joanna Church at or Michele O’Keefe at