The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of a parish church that helps steer the life of the church in its mission, witness and service in the parish. It’s also a charity.
The responsibilities and duties of Parochial Church Councils (‘PCCs’) are set out in the Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956 (No 3) , the Church Representation Rules 2017, and most recently the Church Representation Rules 2022, together with various other Statutes, Measures and Canons.
Section 2 of the 1956 Measure sets out the duty of the minister and the PCC to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish. The functions of the PCC are set out in Section 2(2), and the first function of the PCC is co-operation with the minister in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.
The composition of the PCC and the conduct of its meetings are regulated by the 2022 Rules. The PCC consists of:
- all clerks in holy orders beneficed in or licensed to the parish;
- if part of a team, all clerical members of the team
- any deaconesses or lay workers licensed to the parish
- the churchwardens
- such readers as the APCM (see below) may determine
- lay members of the General, diocesan and deanery synods whose names are on the church electoral roll
- elected lay representatives; and
- any co-opted members, not exceeding one fifth of the number of elected lay representatives or 2 persons, whichever is greater
Charitable status
All PCCs are charities and are subject to the law relating to charities.
Electoral Roll
The Church Representation Rules (see rule 1) require that every Parochial Church Council (“PCC”) maintains an Electoral Roll and makes it available for inspection by bona fide inquirers.
Food safety law & church activities
Food provided by churches is subject to food law and must be safe to eat.
Licensing law & church activities
The Licensing Act 2003 may affect some church events, regulating entertainment and the sale of alcohol. Fortunately, it makes exceptions for some occasional activities.
Useful reading
The following publications will be of interest to Parochial Church Councils: