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Refugee support

The Bishop of Norwich’s refugee fund supports refugees who are resettled to Norfolk. Donations made from March 2022 may be used to support refugees of any nationality. 

Social Action & Engagement

“The appalling plight of refugee families fleeing conflicts from around the world is always deeply moving. This fund has given small grants to help with welcoming refugees from Syria and Afghanistan, and is now extended to cover those fleeing from other conflicts too. It does not duplicate the support that is provided by the Government or other charities but looks for ways to help refugees settle and become more independent. Examples have been buying TV licences that help families learn English and understand British culture and entertainment, providing English language classes, and offering bicycles. Your generous support, in loving our suffering neighbours as Jesus asks of us, would be hugely appreciated. Thank you.”

Norfolk County Council (NCC) has asked us for help to enable them to respond to requests to donate financially to refugees arriving in Norfolk. The Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance administrates the fund.

Click the below link and select Bishop’s Refugee Fund from the drop-down menu under A project, appeal, or charity

Other ways to give:

Donate by cheque: make it payable to ‘NDBF Ltd’ and make it clear which church, parish, benefice or appeal the money is to be put towards. Post to: 109 Dereham Road, Easton, Norwich, NR9 5ES.

Make a bank transfer using these details:

Payment reference: Bishop’s Refugee Fund

Sort code: 20-62-61

Account number: 30674508

Account name: NORWCH DIO (please note no “i”)

You can also download the QR Code for your notice board should you wish.

Prayer for refugees

Almighty and merciful God,
whose Son became a refugee and had no place to call his own;
look with mercy on those who today are fleeing from danger,
homeless and hungry.
Bless those who work to bring them relief;
inspire generosity and compassion in all our hearts;
and guide the nations of the world towards that day when all will rejoice in your Kingdom of justice and of peace;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(From the Church of England website)