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Ecumenical eco day in Sheringham

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The first climate change and sustainability fair was held by Sheringham churches in late April. It was an opportunity for the local Anglican eco church group to get involved and build upon their recently achieved Eco Church Silver Award.

The fair was held at St Andrew’s Methodist Church and was organised by representatives from the churches, Sheringham Town Council and interested members of the public. The aim was to encourage people to learn more about how we can live more simply and sustainably to help save our planet.

A variety of stalls were hosted by groups such as CAFOD, Sheringham Community Fridge, Edwina Textiles, North Norfolk District Council, Sheringham Town Council, Fairtrade, The All Natural Company. Other exhibitors invited the visitors to take part in quizzes and demonstrated how to recycle clothing and greetings cards. One exhibitor said, “It was good to be among people of like-mind and to have meaningful conversation.”

‘Is plastic fantastic or drastic?’ was the theme of one quiz with some shocking answers. Those taking part were challenged, among other things, to join a local group – e.g. Sheringham Plastic Aware or Surfers against Sewage and to consider being part of the monthly Beach Clean in Sheringham.

Pupils from the Sheringham Community Primary School produced some excellent sculptures, paintings and poems with the School choir entertaining everyone with some very enthusiastic singing. One adult remarked, “I learned a lot from the young people I spoke with.  They know more about climate change than I do.”

During the day, soundbite presentations and discussions took place on a wide variety of topics such as “Reducing the global footprint of your wardrobe” and Paul Newman from the Eco Group at St Peter’s Sheringham spoke on “The Renewable way”. Paul shares his personal view on the value of being involved in this event, below.

It is hoped the day will inspire those who attended to support the Sustainable Saturday held on the second Saturday of each month at the Friends Meeting House, Cremer Street, Sheringham, NR26 8DL commencing with coffee and cake at 10.30am followed by a talk and discussion at 11am.

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