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Transformed by Christ: Prayerful, Pastoral, Prophetic

Transform us, O Christ,
to be more prayerful
– listening, open and responsive,
yearning for God’s kingdom come
as you taught us;

to be more pastoral
– reaching out to those in need,
shepherds, like you,
of the lost and the lonely;

to be more prophetic
– heeding the signs of the times,
challenging injustice,
mirroring your radical inclusivity.


(Download Diocesan Vision Prayer here)

Vision Bookmark 

The vision bookmark can be downloaded and printed or ordered from our online shop.

Order physical bookmarks here 

‘Here I am’
A resource to encourage and support meaningful conversations, for all ages, drawing upon aspects of chaplaincy – through being present, being available and intentional listening.
Connect! booklet series

This series of six booklets explores the relationship between Christian faith and some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Author: The Revd Canon Susanna Gunner

Find downloadable logos and design elements for use with Diocese of Norwich Vision branding.

We have created a set of logos and design elements to help everyone to share our Vision of being Transformed by Christ, across our publishing in print and online. There are also guidelines on how to use them. Feel free to add the elements as appropriate to your website, printed or social media.