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Community Christmas trees decorate Earlham church

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Earlham parish is keen to continue to build relationships with our local community. There are several shops very close to St Anne’s church on Coleman Road. We know that all our shopkeepers have had a really challenging year due to coronavirus, but like many other key workers have kept serving their local communities. The parish took part in the national Love Your Neighbour project and gave gifts of biscuits and chocolates to the staff in our local shops.

In addition to this, we asked a number of shops to decorate a small Christmas tree to put in St Anne’s church. This project was started last year by Revd Carol Pritchard. We are very grateful that six shops agreed to take part again this year and decorated beautiful trees for the church. The tree has a small poster by it saying who decorated it to acknowledge and support the business. These were displayed on our window sills, adding to the lovely decorations done by Christine Moreton.

Thank you very much to staff from Langford estates, Colman news, Corner stores, Total E-Cig, Break charity shop and the Co-op for their help.