Write to your MP to save vital churches grant scheme

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The scheme gives grants to cover the VAT incurred in making repairs to listed buildings in use as places of worship. It covers eligible works such as repairs to the fabric of the building and its contents, as well as installation of facilities and associated professional fees.

The LPWGS, is currently due to expire in March 2021, though the final decision on the future of the scheme will be made in the next two weeks.

The scheme has been running for almost 20 years and has been a vital source of funding for many churches across the Diocese of Norwich. Since it was established, the LPWGS has paid out £317m, assisting over 13,000 buildings used by faith communities.

The Church Buildings Council and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport are strongly arguing for the retention of the scheme but it would also be helpful if PCC members in parishes that have benefitted from the scheme could write to their MPs, as a matter of urgency, to express their gratitude; that they may pass this sense of appreciation on to the Chancellor. This will help emphasise the importance of the scheme and the difference it makes to our churches.

Please search by postcode online to find who your MP is and let them know the value of the LPWGS to your church.