Take part in the Minority Anglican Project

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The Project is a collaboration between the Church of England – Birmingham and the Cadbury Centre, at the University of Birmingham.

The ‘Exploring Minority Anglicanism project’ is a research initiative to better understand the issues surrounding welcoming, accommodating, acclimatising, absorbing, licensing and supporting self-identifying minority ethnic Anglicans in our church congregations in the Church of England.

How can I take part?

The Project is looking for participants to fill out a questionnaire which will help them gather information about the experiences of both clergy and laity within the Church.

Can I take part if I’m not Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME) or Anglican?

Yes. The only qualifying criterion to take part in this study is that you are over eighteen years old and self-identify as a Christian. While this study is primarily focused on the experience of minority ethnic people within Anglican congregations, they hope to collect a non Church of England, non-BAME sample for comparison.