Susanna Gunner appointed Queen’s Chaplain

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An Honorary Chaplain to the Queen (QHC) is a member of the clergy within the United Kingdom who, through long and distinguished service, is appointed to minister to the monarch.

Susanna is Diocesan Adviser in Spirituality and Discipleship and said of her appointment:

“You can imagine how completely bowled over I was when I received the initial phone call and, to be honest, I still feel rather overwhelmed to have been honoured in this way. But I’m also excited at the opportunities the appointment will offer: it will, for instance, be very stimulating to meet with the other 30-plus Chaplains to the Queen from time to time and a wonderful privilege to be invited to preach at the Chapel Royal on an annual basis. I am very grateful and can hardly believe that my ministry will connect in these small ways with our much-loved monarch whose own ministry I respect so deeply.”

The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich said:

“I am delighted that Her Majesty the Queen has recognised the immense gifts that Susanna Gunner has brought to ministry in the Church of England and to the Diocese of Norwich by appointing her as one of Her Majesty’s Chaplains. This great honour is good news for Susanna, as well as for her family, our diocese and the County of Norfolk.”