“I invite you to consider playing a vital part of our life together in this diocese as we are transformed by Christ to be more prayerful, more pastoral and more prophetic in our witness in this place and at this time. Will you please consider putting yourself, or those you know with the relevant skills, forward to serve on one of our boards or committees?
“We are seeking people from all different parts of our communities: younger, working-age people, those living with disabilities, and those with a UKME heritage. Is God calling you to serve his Church in this way? Witnessing to the Christ who loves us and draws near, as we journey together in faith.”
The Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich
As part of the recent governance review, agreed by Diocesan Synod in March 2021, a fresh look is being taken at the membership and operation of its different boards and committees. An organogram showing the new committee structure is available here.
In addition to the members who will be elected following the Diocesan Synod elections, there are opportunities for new members, who need not be part of the Diocesan or Deanery Synods or of local PCCs, to be nominated.
We are looking for a wide range of people who can share their skills and expertise, for a three-year term, in several different types of work areas.
Bishop’s Council of Trustees
In addition to three lay and three clergy members, plus clergy and lay chairs, to be elected during September, one lay nominated member is needed for this new body bringing together the work of Bishop’s Council and of the Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance executive, the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee and the Parsonages Board. It is the body in which all lines of Diocesan oversight, leadership and decision-making meet – the Bishop, Bishop’s Staff, the Diocesan Synod and all statutory and non-statutory Diocesan Boards, Committees and working groups. Members must be eligible to act as Directors of the Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance which is a company limited by guarantee. If not a member already, they will also be appointed by the Bishop as members of the Diocesan Synod. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Bishop’s Council of Trustees please look here.
Finance Committee
Up to four members, either lay or ordained, are needed for the Finance Committee. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee please look here.
Asset Management Committee
Two people lay or ordained, with significant investment experience are needed for this new body which is responsible for the strategic management of the central diocesan assets including its investments, land and property. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee please look here.
Property Committee
This committee to which is delegated the responsibilities and work of the Parsonages Board currently needs one lay person (three clergy will be elected during September). This includes provision, maintenance, upkeep and improvement of Parsonage houses; considerations (in consultation with the Asset Management Committee) of acquisition and disposal or exchange of Parsonage houses, and letting such houses during vacancies. The Committee also deals with the NDBF’s own properties. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee please look here.
Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC)
An accountant is needed to serve on this new committee, whose task is to review the work, policies and procedures of the Norwich Diocesan Board of Finance (NDBF) to ensure integrity in all its activities, and compliance with legal, financial and reporting requirements, and to have oversight of risk management processes. For information about the committee and the skills needed please look here. For detailed information about the Terms of Reference of the Finance Committee please look here.
How to apply
Letters of application, accompanied by a CV should be sent to the Interim Diocesan Secretary Rosemary Pearce at rosemary.pearce@dioceseofnorwich.org
Applications for the Finance and Asset Management Committees should be received by Monday 16 August.
Applications for the Bishop’s Council of Trustees, the Property Committee and ARAC by Wednesday 1 September.
If you have any queries about the committees, the work, or the commitment required please contact Rosemary Pearce in the first instance: rosemary.pearce@dioceseofnorwich.org