New booklet shares entrepreneurial mission of St Stephens church

An image of Beckie Ward who is the Cafe manager, the Vicar the Revd Madeline Light and Clare Melia who the Community worker outside an old church door holding a copy of the booklet.

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Grove Books has published a booklet about the work of St Stephen’s Church in Norwich through its church cafe. The booklet, Entrepreneurial Mission in a Church Café: Open Doors, Open Hands, Open Heart, tells the inspiring story of a cafe ministry that began years ago after the church experienced catastrophic damage to its building.

It also looks at addressing the theological and practical basis for the ministry at St Stephen’ and offers “wise advice to congregations wondering about an attractive kind of outreach they could consider.”

The Revd Madeline Light, Vicar of St Stephens explains more: “The circumstances of how this has come about have been many tiny steps and coincidences. We became part of a group of churches started by St Martin’s in the Field, called HeartEdge, before the pandemic. During the pandemic this organisation became a lifeline for me and a place to learn when so much less was going on.

“They obtained some funding to employ a researcher to write about the values of HeartEdge; Compassion, Congregation, Commerce and Culture and how they are reflected in different churches. We were chosen to represent Commerce and Compassion. I became friends with the researcher and together we obtained funds from HeartEdge to produce the Grove booklet. Many people in St Stephen’s were interviewed and all our voices together make up the booklet called ‘Entrepreneurial mission in a Church Cafe’.”

It will be available to buy in St Stephen’s for £3.50. It is also available online at Grove Books and Amazon. Copies will also be available at the “Growing Good” afternoon conference on 12 February at St Lukes church.