Her Majesty Receives Special Gift for Jubilee

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Three local schools’ messages were chosen and were amalgamated together to make the address on behalf of the Borough.

On Friday 4 February, the school council children who wrote the message, met the Mayor of King’s Lynn to see the final version of the address before he presented it to Her Majesty. The children were excited and proud to be involved in such a special occasion. The Mayor was particularly pleased with the children’s ideas, as he wanted to reflect the thoughts and feelings of the people in the Borough.

To write the address the children thought about the qualities that make the Queen so special, the work that she has done over her 70-year reign, and how they feel proud to be a part of the borough that she visits each year-they told her how much they loved visiting Sandringham and climbing the trees!

The framed address was given to the Queen at Sandringham House on Saturday 5 February.

The Queen thought that the address written by the children was a wonderful idea and enjoyed reading their words of congratulations. You can watch the moment where the Queen receives the address here. (Scroll to 2:28)

In the YouTube video, Her Majesty says it’s lovely as it is not like the others which are pompous – as it is written by the children of the borough!