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Eco lifestyle pledges at Chedgrave

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One of the areas of the Eco Church survey that many of our churches can find a challenge, is the “Lifestyle” section. A silver-awarded church south of Norwich has taken an innovative approach to encourage members of their congregation to engage with eco issues in their own lifestyle choices.

“All Saint’s Chedgrave has been on their eco journey for some eight to 10 years,” explains the Revd Alison Ball, Associate Priest in the Chet Valley Benefice. “And at the beginning of last year, 2023, we decided to challenge the congregations that gather here to make an eco pledge. They were offered suggestions in all sorts of areas: about clothes, the way we use our money, things we do in our homes and our garden, things that you might do in the wider community. And we thought about what we were already doing and what we might do and committed to take something on for the year.

“At the beginning of this year, we have encouraged people to review their pledges. To see whether they made them or not, no to beat themselves up if they didn’t quite get there, and perhaps to take on something new if they succeeded before. And as part of what we did, we made a banner to remind ourselves and encourage other people visiting the church that the environment is really important.”

A number of families, as well as individuals took up the pledge in January 2023. “We then took it to the other Sunday congregations, some of whom took it on board and joined in with us. Some felt they were doing a lot already, or at least as much as they could or wanted to do. We also shared the idea in the village magazine,” says Alison. “We will re-visit in 2025 though may add or take away some bits to update.”

You can view and download copies of the Eco Church pledges

Still on the Lifestyle aspect, Eco Church team member John Salter, mentions their “Janet and John” Eco pint-sized warriors. “These are the little puppets which occasionally pop up in one of our services. They may be small, but their hearts are large and hopefully their voices can make people think again about the environment.” John explains that they have a regular column in the weekly newsletter that is distributed across all seven churches in the Chet Valley Benefice. It’s a fun way to remind people of some serious issues.

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