Caring for conservation areas in your churchyard

St Mary's Church, Wroxham St Mary’s Close, Wroxham

Guided tour – St Mary’s Church, Wroxham Join us for a tour of St Mary’s churchyard, Wroxham, to hear how to best care for your churchyard conservation areas. Led by Dr Bob Leaney, NWT churchyard volunteer surveyor for over 40 years. These activities are being run as part of the Norfolk Churchyard Conservation Scheme which […]


Community Focus – Making room for swifts in your church

Aylsham Parish Church Market Place, Aylsham

Guided tour – St Michaels & All Angels Church, Aylsham Aylsham Swift Group was set up to raise awareness of swifts and help secure more nest sites in their local area, including Aylsham parish church. During this outdoor talk in the churchyard, Aylsham Swift Group will discuss their project to install swift boxes in the […]


Marsham Earth Day

This event which will take place in Marsham Parish Church aims to support people in the art of living lightly on the earth. As we all make our response to the widely acknowledged climate emergency it is good to find out more about what we can do as individuals and as community. There will be […]


Celebrating Nature Service

St Edmund's Church, Acle Norwich Rd, Acle, United Kingdom

Churches local to Acle (Church of England & Methodist) will be joining in Celebrating Nature at a special service on Sunday 8th September at 10.00am in St. Edmund's Church, Acle (NR13 3BU); then a dozen local organisations will share what they are doing with a display in the Church Hall (open to all) 11.00am - 1.00pm

Eco Forum – ethical finance

Come and engage with the sometimes complex issue of ethical investments and banking for churches and individuals, with particular reference to creation care. We're delighted that Adam Matthews, the Director of Ethics and Engagement for the Church of England Pensions Board will be giving us some insights and inspiration. There'll be time for discussion and […]


‘Shaun the Sheep’ Invites you in support of Nature Recovery in Harleston

Celebrate with Shaun the Sheep Harleston’s People in Action Linking across Landscapes 7.00pm Saturday 28th September St John’s Church, Broad Street, Harleston with refreshments Evening includes Our Road to Recovery 3x3 = the Power of 9 for Nature ‘More than a Drop in The Ocean’ Pushing to Protect the Pit Compere: Ian Carstairs Hosted by […]


Rake and cake

St Micheal and All Angels, Geldeston Old Yarmouth Road Geldeston Beccles

Rake and Cake to help wildlife and caring for the church yard -Geldeston church yard is a conservation site and hosts wildflowers including orchids, and reptile populations but to maintain these populations we need help with raking up the cut grass -all who rake will be given cake -so come along from 10.30am with your […]


Gardeners Question Time Event

St Mark's Church, Oulton Broad NR33 9JX

Fun and frustration, challenges and joy. Gardening can mean many things. Fortunately we have a panel of experienced and knowledgeable gardeners with whom to share our thoughts and seek consolation and advice. Whether we are asking about allotments, window boxes, veg plots or wildlife spaces we should enjoy the evening in the company of enthusiasts.


What is Happening to our Coastline?

Come and listen to someone who knows about our coastline. Rob Goodliffe, Coastal Transition Manager at North Norfolk District Council, will give a talk and answer questions. All welcome. No tickets are required but donations will be much appreciated. Light refreshments available during the interval.


ECO FORUM – Changing Perspectives: seeing creation differently

Norwich Cathedral The Close, Norwich, United Kingdom

You are warmly invited to a creation pilgrimage around Norwich Cathedral.  In the stillness of the evening come and discover how this ancient building can help us get a fresh perspective on our present day environmental challenges.  Come and see the building in new and unusual ways and leave with a refreshed view of God’s […]
