Religious Education Networks

The RE community is very supportive, there are numerous local networks within our diocese and the county of Norfolk.

RE Local Leaders in Education

RE Local Leaders in Education is a group of teachers that meets termly from primary, secondary, church, community and academy contexts to share good practice, listen to guest speakers and visit places of interest linked to RE.  For more information please contact Chris Allen.

RE Ambassadors (DNEAT)

RE Ambassadors (DNEAT) is a group of RE leads who work within DNEAT and meet online each term to undertake practical action research projects to support the development of high-quality RE. For more information contact DNEAT at

Primary Subject Leader Support Meetings – RE

Primary Subject Leader Support Meetings – RE is a group who meet online each term to share good ideas and resources, support each other in teaching or leading RE in school and have built up a padlet of valuable resources linked to RE.  For more information contact: or visit

Other useful RE Networks and organisations:
  • RE Hubs – is a one stop website for training, news, visitors, speakers, support for ECTS, local Re groups directory and much more.
  • NATRE – is the National Association for Teachers of RE.
  • RE Council – is the advisory body for RE in England and Wales.