Additional Religious Education resources

Useful RE websites

  • – excellent website and search engine providing free resources, schemes of learning, online forums and subject knowledge for teachers of RE
  • – a wealth of resources and material exploring the Christian faith
  • – useful lesson ideas for Christianity as well as resources to purchase
  • – a useful website to use with children about different denominations


Listed below is a SEND and RE Toolkit and series of resources produced to support the inclusions of children with SEND into everyday RE lessons.  The resources have been piloted in several diocese schools and academies in Norfolk after a 12 month action research project (led by DNEAT RE Ambassadors).  The core materials of the project are based around the work of Judith Carter’s: SEND Assessment, A strength based framework for learners with SEND (2021). It is with her kind permission and support we are able to share this resource with you.

  1. SEND in RE Toolkit
  2. Planning Grids
  3. The 7Cs in RE